RollerBone - train with roll or softpad?

Practicing with RollerBone can be done different, there are countless possibilities. Most important thing is: what do you want to train up, what´s the goal? The striking difference between softpad and roll is the type and way of movement. The board on the roll requires and trains balance and stability. The more you practice, the better you get used to the special rolling motion. It's going to be easier after the first swings. The softpad on the other hand looks so easy. However, this movement goes much deeper into the deep muscles, because you are never completely stabile on the board. The cushion forces constant balancing with all muscle groups.

Skaters, surfers and boarders love to work on their skills on the board and roll. Excellent training effects are achieved with the just easier looking soft pad, as shown by the many applications in the physiotherapy and gymnastic area! BUT, the most important thing no matter what kind on which base - RollerBone the training is ALWAYS fun!!